.     .     .
EsseneVegan Diet.     .     .
(1/4 Fiery Grains, 1/4 Airy Legumes, 1/4 Watery Veges, 1/4 Earthy Roots).
"If Ye Will That The Living Amends Word And Power May Enter Thee, Defile Not Thy Body And Thy Spirit; For The Body Is The Temple Of The Spirit, And The Spirit Is The Temple Of Amen. Purify, Therefore, The Temple, That The Atonai Of The Temple May Dwell Therein And Occupy A Place That Is Worthy Of Them."Essene Gospel of Peace .

"Thus saith Yeshua - Behold, a diet of wisdom for the benefit of the B'nai-Amen whom I have called together in these last days, for the benefit and blessing of Essene Church whom I have called to assemble on the land of their inheritance. To be propagated among them with thanksgiving and encouragement, not according to harsh judgment, but with patient kindness and long-suffering - thus proving its wisdom by the manifestation of its fruits and the sum total of its affect on the lives of all the saints - both temporally and spiritually. For behold, we reveal unto you the diet which is to be a standard among you for balance and nutrition, and a guiding lamp which shall light your path as you seek to find your way home. Obey this counsel, and accept the yoke of the law, for herein is wisdom and the alleviance of much suffering.

Thou shalt avoid all that comes from the creatures of the earth, save mother's milk for those not yet weaned. Yea, you shall avoid the milk of beasts and the eggs of fowl and fish, and you shall likewise refrain from using the refuse of animals to warm (fertilize) your soil. With wisdom combine the various things that grow from the earth, for in such interminglings shall the soil support the abundance of those seeds which you place in her keeping. You may import your salts (minerals) if you think it wise, but stay far from the chemicals that fill the foods and fields of those who know not the Ways, nor care to consider the laws of our land. Wisely balance thy soil, thy vegetation, thy sowings and thy harvestings, preparing all things according to measure and plan, so will you prosper on the land and give unto you the good gifts of the angels.

I give unto you an abundance of grains, see that ye rotate them through the seasons without bias, for each is according to a specific need and nourishment of body and soul, and in their balanced use shall thy senses come alive and thy eyes be opened to great mysteries. Likewise, make wise use of all the varieties of legumes, of fruiting vines and trees, of various vegetables and roots - thus through diversity you shall be spared the plagues that follow those that fail to partake of the fulness of Our garden's bounty.

Blessed are you who keep and follow the B'nai-Amen Diet, for all the angels of the earth and sky shall attend thee, and each and every good gift and gracious blessing shall flow to youward without interruption. Thus is the promise unto all who keep the Diet, and who keep their souls pure through all the Laws, Ordinances, Ceremonies and Admonitions. Yea, those who keep and do all these things shall befriend the Angel of Death, and shall welcome that one with open arms when the hour of peaceful parting doth come. For painful distress, disease and an unholy death shall follow all those who ignore these sayings - walking after the counsel of their own heart unto their own destruction. And blessed are all those who keep these saying within their heart, for loving compassion shall flow forth from them and they shall become a light unto the nations and a healing tree beside the pure waters of Zion. Amen."

"Thus saith Yeshua - thou shalt establish thyself in the land which I have given thee, and there thou art to grow and process thy own nourishment, preparing all thy food and drink according to that plan revealed unto thee by the angels - both in proportions of food and types of preparation, according to the seasons of the Shawui calendar. Blessed are ye who observe this diet - for I will bless thee with health and vigor and insight into the peaceable things of the Kingdom, and life everlasting."

The roots of Essene Veganism lie in the Essene Gospel of Peace , a first century Aramaic text attributed to Yesua, the Savior of the B'nai-Amen. In this ancient text we are exhorted to abandon the dietary practices of the world, and enter a deeper communion with the Earthly Mother through eating only organic wholesome food grown in our own natural gardens, orchards, vineyards and fields.

(The Essene diet conforms to Dr. Michael Klaper's suggested dietary allowance for pregnant women; to protein, vitamin and other standards set by the World Health Organization; and Mina and Shawui mandates set forth by Yeshua in the Essene Gospel of Peace. It is a balanced mix of one quarter roots for groundedness, one quarter pods for focus, one quarter fleshy produce for softness, and one quarter grain and seeds for inspiration.)


 "Let The Average Weight Of Thy Daily Food Be Not Less Than A Mina (Quart), But Mark That It Go Not Beyond Twice That." Essene Gospel of Peace ..

Within the Essene Gospel of Peace, Yeshua tells us to never eat less than a Mina of food each day and never more than two Mina in a day. The size of the Mina varies in size according to sex, age, physical activity and other factors, but is never greater than a 32 oz quart.

One's "mina" is equal to the size of one's two fists. This would apply when working the normal "labora" average time of four hours - four days a lunar week. If laboring more, then one's mina can be increased according to one hand's volume for every 2 additional hours of strenuous activity. Those who do the labor of two people having the option to eat the equivalent food of two people. Since no more than two mina a day are allowed, it stands to reason that no more than twice the seasonal average of labor is allowable either. (The "weight", or volume, of a hand can be measured by immersing the hand, up to the wrist line, in a measured volume of water, then calculating the overflow. This information can be taken to the Order's Potter who can prepare a personalized "mina bowl" of the correct proportions.)

In the Essene Diet the daily Mina, or 32 ounces (or partial ounces) of food, consists of an average of 6 prepared ounces each of Grains, Beans, Starchy Roots and Vegetables, combined with 2 ounces each of Seeds, Fruits, Roots and Nuts. (The exact proportions vary from Season to Season.)

. ."Be Content With Two Or Three Sorts Of Food."   Essene Gospel of Peace

"Sorts" are interpreted to mean one of the four elemental sorts of food: Underground, Fruited, Podded, or Seeded. (A carrot, beet, potato and parsnip are not four sorts of food, but only one sort - a root.) Two "sorts" of foods: fire and air, are served for dinner (Grains/Seeds & Legumes/Nuts); and another two "sorts" of food: water and earth, are served for the evening supper (Root/Tubers & Veges/Fruits).

"We Tell Thee Truly, They Whose Yearly Eating Averages More Than Twice In The Day Does In Them The Work Of Shaiten." Essene Gospel of Peace ..

Some seasons are assigned more than two meals, and some only one, averaging out to two meals per day. This is to adjust for the different amounts of labor performed at different seasons of the year. This average of one Mina, or the weight of one's hands (2 pounds or one quart at most), of prepared food per day is divided up among the liturgical seasons thusly:

 Paschaltide 3 1/2  meals 7 separate raw or lightly cooked dishes (0 - 20" max. cooking time)  (aprox. 4.5 ounces for each dish) 
 Pentecostide 3 2/3  meals  6 raw or under-cooked dishes  (0 - 5" maximum cooking allowed)  (aprox. 5.3 ounces each dish) 
 Roseflametide 2  meals 5 raw dishes (0 cooking time)  (aprox. 6.4 ounces each) 
 Angelmasstide 2 meals 4 raw & lightly grilled dishes  (aprox. 8 ounces each) 
 Adventide 2 meals 3 raw & cooked dishes  (aprox. 10.6 ounces each) 
 Christmastide: 2 meals  2 raw & baked dishes (grain/bean mix & root/veg mix)  (aprox. 16 ounces each) 
 Lentide 1 meal 1 raw or cooked dish 
(soup, layered or goulash bowl) 
(0 to 32 ounces) 

(All amounts are for cooked, soaked or prepared foods)

. In the Essene Diet there is a slight variation in portions and types of food from one Shawua season to the next, compensating for the fluctuation in Fire, Water, Air and Earth influences during the various seasons of the Shawui. Certain types of foods are served certain seasons of the year to compensate for the varying sizes of their portions. Higher protein grains and beans, such as garbonzo, seitan, and buckwheat, are incorporated during the seasons when grain and bean portions are at their lowest. And likewise for the other food groups.

Spring -Grain
  9 ounces
2 ounces
 3 ounces
 2 ounces
7.5 ounces
2.5 ounces
 4.5 ounces
1.5 ounces
 7.5 ounces
2.5 ounces
4.5 ounces
 1.5 ounces
9 ounces
 2 ounces
 3 ounces
 2 ounces
 6 ounces
3 ounces
 6 ounces Raw BEAN (Peas)   1 ounces
 7.5 ounces
1.5 ounces
 4.5 ounces
2.5 ounces
 4.5 ounces
2.5 ounces
7.5 ounces
1.5 ounces
 6 ounces
1 ounces
 6 ounces
3 ounces
 3 ounces
2 ounces
9 ounces
2 ounces
4.5 ounces
1.5 ounces
 7.5 ounces
2.5 ounces
Xmass-tide Winter-Tuber 4.5 ounces
1.5 ounces
7.5 ounces
2.5 ounces
3 ounces
2 ounces
 9 ounces
2 ounces
 6 ounces
1 ounces
6 ounces
 3 ounces
4.5 ounces
 2.5 ounces
 7.5 ounces
 1.5 ounces
7.5 ounces
1.5 ounces
4.5 ounces
2.5 ounces
 6 ounces
3 ounces
  6 ounces
1 ounces


In the Essene Diet there is a seasonal variation in the method of food preparation, especially in cooking time and the amount of raw verses cooked food. This diet represents a substantial increase in the amount of uncooked and enzyme rich foods in comparison to the SAD (Standard American Diet). In the Essene philosophy, the amount of cooked to raw food is dependent upon a variety of factors, the most important being climate. As an example: "

 Spring / Summer Diet:Averaging 70% Raw Foods (Paschaltide 50% raw, Pentecost 66% raw, Roseflame 100% raw)

Fall / Winter Diet: Averaging 44% Cooked Foods (28% Raw and 28% Semi-raw - bottled, pickled  or slightly cooked) (Angelmass, Advent, X-Mastide & Lent).

"Thus saith Yeshua - As to the preparation of thy food: It is pleasing unto Me that ye observe and do, according to the percentages of frost in thy land, that pattern which I have revealed unto thee, so ordering your diet, and your life, so that the balance of fire, air, water and earth is maintained from one season to the next throughout My Shawui year. Thus will ye prosper on the land I have given you, and ye will radiate with health, and your little ones and aged ones shall be blessed according to their need, according to the wisdom set forth in My House of B'nai-Amen. Amen."

    The exact recommended proportions for the various liturgical seasons (for Northern Arizona) are as follows:

7 week Liturgical Season % of Raw Food / # of oz. % Cooked Food / # of oz. % Semi Cooked Food
 Paschaltide: (Summer Diet) 3 meals 16/32 (50%) Raw 16/32 (50%) Cooked(Grain,Bean,Tuber)  0/32 (0%) Semi-raw (Bottled)
 Pentecosttide: (Summer Diet) 3 meals 21/32 (66%) Raw 11/32 (34%) Cooked(Grain,Bean,Tuber)  0/32 (0%) Semi-raw (Bottled)
 Roseflame: (Summer Diet) 2 raw meals 32/32 (100%) Raw 0/32 (0%) Cooked(Grain,Bean,Tuber)  0/32 (0%) Semi-raw (Bottled)
 Angelmass: (Winter Diet) 2 meals 9/32 (28%) Raw 14/32 (44%) Cooked(Grain,Bean,Tuber)  9/32 (28%) Semi-raw (Bottled)
 Adventide: (Winter Diet) 2 meals 9/32 (28%) Raw 14/32 (44%) Cooked(Grain,Bean,Tuber)  9/32 (28%) Semi-raw (Bottled)
 Christmastide: (Winter Diet) 2 meals 9/32 (28%) Raw 14/32 (44%) Cooked(Grain,Bean,Tuber)  9/32 (28%) Semi-raw (Bottled)
 Lentide:(Transition Diet) 1 meal  9/32 (28%) Raw 14/32 (44%) Cooked(Grain,Bean,Tuber)  9/32 (28%) Semi-raw (Bottled)


    Food should be prepared peacefully and prayerfully, with limited  use of noisy kitchen appliances.
    The secret to health and harmony is seen to lie in the proper growing, balancing and preparing of self grown produce and grains. Strange concoctions, additives, new health food store fads, and horrible tasting substances are not believed to be the answer to human health. (Although they may occasionally prove useful). According to the B'nai-Amen Way, perfect nourishment and health lie in one's immediate environment and in one's dynamic inter-relationship with the Earthly Mother and her angels and not on the shelves of any health food store, nor by heavy use of a man made machine (juicer), food from a distant land or miracle cure all concoction.

"Thus saith Yeshua - Behold, I give unto you the bounty of the earth which shall yield unto you her increase, according to thy diligence and adherence to all Her laws. With wisdom plan thy husbandry, so that in the season thereof you might have according to your need, according to that type of nourishment dictated by that particular Shawua. Thus shall thy days lengthen and thy joy increase. Thus shall the angels of the Earthly Mother rejoice and dance in thy tabernacle, and angels of the Heavenly Father shall bless thy thoughts.

Be wary of those who say: 'This is not good and this is not healthy', for behold, many shall come in My Name professing wisdom in these matters, yet their counsel shall be that of the fool. Be wise and accepting of all the gifts offered you by the angels - whether they be grains or seeds, beans or nuts, vegetables or fruits, tubers or bulbs - for all these things have I have given unto you for your profit and for your nourishment; some to be cooked with fire, some to be fresh from the garden, and some fermented or dried; and none of these foods or preparations are to be denied but are to be consumed and executed with wisdom and foresight, according to the dictates of the seasons as established among you by the Archangels. Thus do you have the formula for a balanced and healthy diet and life. See that you observe the times and seasons thereof, and labor with joy and thanksgiving in the Garden of Delights which I have given unto you. Amen."

(Partial List)
Forbidden Foods Include: All Meats, All Fresh & Salt Water Creatures & Their Eggs, Fowl & Eggs, All Dairy & Derivatives.
GRAINS: Kamut Wheat, Spelt, Soft Wheat, Red Wheat, Durum Wheat, Elkhorn Wheat, Triticale, Basmati Rice, Red Rice, Short Rice, Long Rice, Upland Dry Rice,  Barley, Rye, Oats, Red Amaranth, BlueAmaranth, Millet, Buckwheat, Teff.

Grain Products:
Sprouts, Sprout Cakes, Buckwheat Soba, Kasha, Rice Mochi, Puffed Rice, Corn Hominy, Millet Mashed, Granola, Rice Cakes,  Corn Polenta, Corn Grits, Oatmeal, Bulgar, Cracked Wheat, Wheat Germ, Couscous, Wheat Bran, Wheat Berries, Rye Groats, Wheat Crackers, Rye Flatbread, Pumpernickle Bread, Spring Rolls,  Bread, Rolls, Cakes, Bagels, Cookies, Pasta, Lasagna, Pie Crusts, Tortillas, Chips, Rice Milk, Rice Icecream, Barley Malt Sweetner, Rice Vinegar, Sake', Whiskey, Beer, Housing (Strawbale), Grass Mats, Straw Hats, Fuel, Paper.


SEEDS Quinoa, Sorghum, Safflower, Alfalfa,  Sesame, Misc.Seed Spices, Capers, Sunflower, Wild Rice, Pumpkin Seed, Sesame Seed, Cumin Seed, Caraway, Black Pepper,  Coffee, Juniper Berry, Chia, Allspice, Anise, Cardamon, Celery, Cloves, Corriander, Dill, Fennel Seed, Fenugreek, Mustard, Tumeric, Poppy, Flax, Pepper Seeds, Cotton.

Corn: Red Parch, Blue Flint, Hopi Flour, Yellow, White, Green Dent, Sweet Black, Sweet Golden, Sweet White, Hybrid Sweets, Blue Pop Corn, Red Pop, White Popcorn, Hulless Popcorn.

Edible Flowers: Saffron Threads, Anise Hyssop Flowers, Arugula Flowers, Borage Flowers, Calendula Flowers, Chamomile Flowers, Chive Flowers, Chrysanthemums, Daisies, Dandelion Flowers, Day Lilies, Geraniums (Scented), Hollyhocks, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Marigolds, Mustard Flowers, Nasturtiums, Pansies, Rose Petals, Squash Blossums, Violas, Violets, Brocolli Flowers. 

Seed Products: Honey (flowers), Molasses (Sorghum), Cotton Seed Oil, Cotton Clothing, Coffee, Mustards, Corn Sweetner, Corn Starch, Corn Oil, Sunflower Oil, Safflower Oil, Sunflower Cheese, Polenta, Corn bread, Tortillas, Tamales, Chips,  Corn Masa, Alfalfa Sprouts, Sunflower Sprouts, Pumpkin Seed Cheese, Sesame Tahini, Paste, Salad Dressings, Seed Mayonaise, Soap (Corn Oil Base), Flax Oil, Linen (Flax).

BEANS: Vanilla Bean, Brown Lentils, Red Lentils, Peas, Snow Peas, Yellow Snap, Purple Snap, Green Snap, Black Garbonzos, Chickpeas, Purple Fava, Brown Fava,  Cranberry, Large Lima, Baby Limas, Pigeon Peas, Cowpeas, Pink, Pinto, Kidney, Turtle, Rattlesnake, Appaloosa, Tolasanas, Small Red, Scarlet Runner, White Runner, Great Northern, Romano, Steuben Yellow-eye, Swedish Brown, Navy, Jacob's Cattle, Anasazi, White Potato, Cannellini, Soldier, Marrow, China Yellow, Black Soy, Yellow Soy, French Navy, Calypso, Flageolets, Pod Beans, Winged Beans, Yard Longs, Nunas, Tepary Beans, Mung, Azuki, Black-eyed Peas.

Bean Products: Hard Tofu, Soft Tofu, Tempe, Mung Bean Paste, Soy Sauce, Tamari Sauce, Shoyu Sauce, Mugi Miso, Natto (Soy), Falafil, Tofu Nayonaise, Tofu Sour Cream, Tofu Icecream, Vanilla Extract, Soap (Soy Base)

NUTS: Macadamia, Brazil, Acorns, Locust Bean, Hazelnut, Pine Nut, Black Walnut, Chestnut, Nutmeg, Peanuts, Cashews, Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts,  Pecan, Pistachio.

Nut Products: Cocoa, Carob,
Palm Oil, Coconut Oil, Walnut Oil, Almond Oil, Peanut Butter, Almond Butter, Cashew Butter, Almond Cheese, Cashew Cheese, Walnut Cheese, Pecan Cheese.


VEGES: Eggplant, Okra, Artichoke, Cardoon, Seaweeds, Tea Leaves, Bancha Twig, Tomatillo.

Tomato: Cherry, Paste, Yellow, Orange,  Beefsteak. 

Stemed: Celtuce, Fennel, Celery, Red Celery, Lemon Grass, Rhubarb. 

Brasilicas: Broccoli, Collards, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Kale, Red Cabbage, Savoy Cabbage, Green Cabbage, Napa Cabbage, Bok Choy, Mustard Greens, Kohlrabi, Cabbage Sprouts.

Peppers: Green Bell, Red Bell, Yellow Bell, Purple Bell, Hot Peppers, Chili Peppers, Paprika Peppers, Pimento Peppers.

Greens: Purslane, Mizuna, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Sorrel, Orach, Parsley, Royal Fern, Mache, Radichio, Horsetail, Hops, Mugwort, Dandelion, Basils, Spinach,  New Zealand, Malibar, Tampala Spinach, Cilantro, Swiss Chard, Endive, Escarole, Water Cress, Chicory.

Vines: Chayote Squash, Zukini, Crookneck, Scallop, Acorn Squash, Spaghetti, Hubbard, Butternut, Buttercup, Gold Nugget, Cushaw, Boston Marrow, Tahiti, Turban, Pumpkin, Armenian Cuke, Lemon Cuke, Balsam Apple, Cukes, Luffa.

Vege Products: Sauerkraut, Pickles, Sponges (Lufa), Sandals (Lufa), Spices, Herbal Medicines, Hot Sauce, Salsa, Tomato Pastes, Teas, Nori Sheets (Seaweed).

FRUITS: Bananas, Plantains, Dates, Sugar Cane.

Tree Fruits: Mexican Avocado, Green Skinned Avos, Citron, Star, Breadfruit, Tamarind, Jujube, Figs, Peaches, Persimmon, Plum, Loquat, Grapefruit, Blood Orange, Orange, Kumquat, Lemon, Lime, Key Lime, Mandarine, Pomelo, Tangelo, Tangerine, Golden Apples, Red Apples, Green Apples, Asian Pears, Pears, Apricots, Olives, Ground Cherry, Mangos, Papaya, Guava, Cherries.

Cane Fruits: Blackberries, Blueberries,  Currants, Huckleberry, Raspberry, Black Raspberry, Yellow Raspberry, Strawberry. 

Vines: WaterMelons, Gooseberry, Kiwi, Artic Kiwis, Musk Melons, Cantaloupes, Persian Melons,  Crenshaw Melons,  Red Grapes, Purple Grapes, Green Grapes.

Bush: Pineapples, Crab Apples, Cranberries.

Products: Wine, Juices, Vinegar, Basmati Vinegar, Brandy, Fruit Leather, Dried Fruits, Jellies, Chutneys, Jams, Raisins, Olive Oil, Wood, Soap (Olive/Palm Base), Fructose, Date Sugar, Maple Syrup,, Cane Sugar, Stevia

TUBERS: Finger Potatoes, Blue Potatoes, Red Potatoes, Yellow Potatoes, White Potatoes, Lotus Root, Sweet Potato, Celeric,Yams, Gold Beets, Red Beets, Arrow Root, Mangels, Jicama, Water Chestnut, White Beets, Carrot, Turnip, Kudzu, Taro, Rutabaga, Kohlrabi, Parsnips, Sunchokes, Salsify, Burdock.

Tuber Products: Beet Sugar, Arrow Root Powder, Potato Flour, Carrot Juice, Beet Juice.

BULBS:Asparagus, Ginseng, Bamboo Shoot, Cattail Shoot,
Horse Radish,
Chicory Root, Salsify, Scorzonera, Ginger.

Alliums: Garlic, Shallot, Red Onion, White Onion, Yellow Onion, Egyptian Onion, Bottle Onion, Leek, Scallion. 

Radish: Daikon, Radish Sprouts, Sukurajima, Black, Golden, Red.

Mushrooms: Angel Trumpet, Chanterelle, Cremini, Button, Enoki, Fairy Ring, Hen-of-Woods, Matsutake, Morel, Oyster, Coral/Lobster/Forest, Porcini, Portobello, Shitake, Horns-of-Plenty, Cloud Ear/Wood Ear.

Root Products: Cattail Baskets, Mats, Sandals, Bamboo, Coffee Substitute (Chicory), Candied Ginger, Ginger ale.


(Maximum of 720 lbs self grown Prepared Food per adult (with a 16 oz hand), per Shawui year, averaging 2 lbs or 1 Quart per day)

N - Angel of Air (Nitrogen from Compost & Legumes); P - Angel of Water (Phosphorus from Phosphate Rock & Buckwheat); K - Angel of Earth (Potassium from Greensand & Ash); C - Angel of Fire (Carbon, or Humus, from Straw & Cover Crops)

GRASSES Up to 137lb are needed each year (wet), or  68.5 lbs (dry) wheat/ rice/etc...
    These are gifts of the Female Angel of Fire and Lightening, grown for the Holy Altar of Amen. (Sun trigram)

SEEDS Up to 45 lb are needed each year (wet), or  22.5 lbs (dry)  Dry x 2=Wet corn/sunflower/etc...
    These are gifts of the Male Angel of Fire and Thunderstorms, grown for the Holy Altar of Amen. (Thunder trigram)

BEANS Up to 137lb are needed each year  (wet), or 26 lbs (dry) 72 lbs (fresh) Dry x 2.5=Wet peas/beans/tofu/etc..
    These are gifts of the Male Angel of Air and Sky, grown for the Holy Altar of Amen. (Heaven trigram)

NUTS Up to 45 lb are needed each year  (wet), or 18 lbs (dry)  Dry x 2.5=Wet peanutes/nuts/etc...
    These are gifts of the Female Angel of Air and Pond, grown for the Holy Altar of Amen. (Lake trigram)

VEGES Up to 137lb are needed each year  (wet), or  137lbs (fresh)  tomatoes/salad/ etc...
    These are gifts of the Male Angel of Water and Wells, grown for the Holy Altar of Amen. (Moon trigram)

FRUITS Up to 45 lb are needed each year  (wet), or  45 lbs (fresh)  strawberries,/etc
    These are gifts of the Female Angel of Water and Orchard, grown for the Holy Altar of Amen. (Wood trigram)

TUBERS Up to 137lb are needed each year (wet), or  137lbs (fresh)  potatoes/carrots/etc...
    These are gifts of the Female Angel of Earth and Field, grown for the Holy Altar of Amen. (Soil trigram)

BULBS Up to 45 lbs are needed each year (wet), or  45 lbs (fresh)  onions/garlic/etc
    These are gifts of the Male Angel of Earth and Hills, grown for the Holy Altar of Amen. (Mountain trigram)


Full moon and quarter moon feasts occur weekly on the first day of the lunar week. These Feasts are the seemingly one exception to the rule of eating only 2 or 3 types of food at a time. This, however, is considered permissible as an act of balancing out the previous day's fast. (Weekly Feasts also break the rule of not eating after sundown. This too is considered permissible so as to balance out the previous days fasting regime.)

First Course (4 ounces): SOUP (with Grain, 3-9 ounces in total meal)  - unified in the waters of immersion, one with the earth (grain), faith in Masshiachian flesh.

Second Course (4 ounces): SALAD (mostly Vegetables, 3-9 ounces throughout the total meal)  - oiled understanding of unified diversity, 32 paths, the Qabbalah.

Third Course (4 ounces): DIP (mostly Seeds, Corn chips or Sesame Humus, 1-3 ounces w grain/beans)  - dipping from the common consecrated bowl, family solidarity and social cohesiveness.

Fourth Course (4 ounces): SPICY DISH (Garlic, Onion or Mushroom, 1-3 ounces w sprouted grains or pasta/beans)  -unique specialization and individuality before Amen.

Fifth Course (4 ounces): BEANS (Marinated Beans, tofu, or tempe, 3-9 ounces in total meal)  - fermentation - transformation through Masshiachian wine.

Sixth Course (4 ounces): POTATOES ( Baked or raw Tubers, 3-9 ounces in total meal)  - solidly grounded in gratefulness.

Seventh Course (4 ounces): CAKE (with Carob, Coconut or Nut, 1-3 ounces, with 1-3 ounces sprouted grain, flour or tofu)  - wisdom, sacrifice, salt of the earth.

Eighth Course (4 ounces): SORBET (Fruit, 1-3 ounces, with 1-3 ounces tofu or rice milk)  - unchanging sweetness of everlasting life.


"You may import your salts (minerals) if you think it wise, but stay far from the chemicals that fill the foods and fields of those who know not My Ways, nor care to consider the laws of our land."

Almost all store bought food is adulterated and unfit for the Essene table. Organic foods are usually fertilized with kiln dried cow blood and bones, and non organic food with unnatural chemicals and pesticides. Many prepared foods, seemingly vegan, contain hidden animal products and derivitives.White sugar, for instance, is reported to be refined by passing it through charred pig bones. Many vitamins and the food's "life force" are also lost in the often lengthy time between harvest and purchase. All Essenes are encouraged to be true Vegetists by growing their own foods with green manure cover crops, eating fresh picked and raw produce, vegan composting and open pollenated seed saving. In addition, Essenes are called to keep their environment clean and sanitary by utilizing more natural substances which are purification gifts of the eight Angels.

    As in Jewish kosheret laws, Essenes are careful not to prepare or eat food from vessels and utensils defiled by past association with defiling substances. In the Essene diet these include blood, mucus, egg, meat, milk and other  substances abhorrent to ethical vegans. These principles all but rule out eating from non Essene kitchens.

"Thus saith Yeshu: Behold, My will for the B'nai-Amen pertaining to laws of purity and levels of defilement. It is My will, saith B'nai-Amen, that all thy vessels, jars, pots, pans and utensils be of a pure and holy origin, undefiled by the presence of death or the tarnish of greed. Nevertheless, it is permissible, saith B'nai-Amen, that my Order purchase those things it hath need of, against the time of necessity, with great preference for those things least defiled among the nations of the earth. If such an acquisition is deemed prudent by the Enshroudment, then let those items gathered in from the world be set aside for cleansing, according to rules of purification and consecration, that all that entereth the Holy Garden may be pure and undefiled lest its angels flee and its grace depart.

So let each vessel, each pot, each sundry item undergo the purification with earth, with water, with wind and with fire, that each of these angels take not offense at the residue of darkness that clings to impure objects. Thus through these four shalt thou purify their taint and establish them in purity for use before Me in Holy Festivals and in day to day affairs. By this practice you will establish yourselves more fully in holiness, not according to the belabored practices of the House of Judah, but by true adherence to principles of righteousness which becomes all those who would be separate from the death that perpetuates itself beyond My Veil. Yea, associate not with those who transgress the laws of compassion, nor bring into My Garden their fleshpots, their butchering knives, their offering plates from the table of demons; for all these things will retard thy progress and make the Holy Angels flee thy presence. Grieve not the Spirits of Holiness, but cultivate that aura of purity that comes through walking in harmonious interplay with all the natural and super-natural forces of the Earthly Amma and Heavenly Abba. Amen" -

The Nazarenes of  Mount Carmel
Copyright © 1999-2006. All rights reserved.

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