Angelic Communions
of the Zarathushtrians

The first seven days  (Days 1 - 7)  celebrate Ahura Mazda and the Amesha Spentas, (lit. Beneficent Immortals) sometimes called the Archangels. They are the highest spiritual beings created by Ahura Mazda.

The second week  (Days 8 - 14) celebrates LIGHT and NATURE.

The third "week"  (Days 15 - 22) celebrates moral qualities.

The fourth "week" (Days 23 - 30) celebrates religious ideas.

1. Ohrmazd (Av. Ahura Mazda) - The Lord of Wisdom, Zarathushtra's name for God.

1.  On the day of Ohrmazd drink wine and make merry.

1. Ahoora Mazda : HORMAZD : The Omniscient Source of Life (ahu).

2.  Vohuman (Av. Vohu Mano) - Good Mind or Purpose. Presides over animals.

2.  On the day of Vohuman put on new clothes.

2. Vohoo Mano : BEHMAN : The Good Mind, the Pure Heart. "The pure in Heart shall see God".

3.  Ardwahisht (Av. Asha Vahishta) - Highest Asha. Presides over fire.

3.  On the day of Ardwahisht go to the Fire Temple.

3. Asha Vahishta - ARD-I-BEHESHT: The Supreme Law of the Universe, Righteousness, Neki, Neeti, Reality.

4.  Shahrewar (Av. Khshathra Vairya) - Desirable Dominion'. Presides over metals.

4.  On the day of Shahrewar rejoice. 

4. Kshathra Vairya : SHEHREVAR : The Kingdom & Sovereignty of Virtue: Benevolent use of Power Forgiveness, The Ordeal of Life, in a world of unrealities.

5.  Spandarmad (Av. Spenta Armaiti) - Holy (or Beneficent) Devotion. Presides over the Earth.

5.  On the day of Spandarmad till your land.

5. Spentaa Aaramaiti : SPENDAARMAD : The Discernment between Right and Wrong : Insight
into the Realities of Life (Asha), to distinguish Unrealities (druj).

6.  Hordad (Av. Haurvatat) - Wholeness (Perfection or Health). Presides over the waters.

6.  On the day of Hordad dig your irrigation channels.

6. Hourvataat : KHORDAAD : Perfection cum Universality, of the Ever-abiding Spirituality.

7. Amurdad (Av. Ameretat) - Immortality or Life. Presides over plants.

7.  On the day of Amurdad plant shrubs and trees.

7. Ameretaat : AMERDAAD : Immortality of the Soul (both six and seven are the joint Condition of the holy Soul). Immortality is Identity with Divinity, ALL-LIGHT.

8. Dae-pe-Adar (Av. Dadvah) - The Creator's day before Adar.

8.  On the day of Dae-pa-Adar wash your head and trim your hair and nails.

8. DAE-PA-AADAR : Daadaar's Day before Aadar. (This week is the second week of LIGHT as the first is the week of Ahoora Mazda and His six Absolute Perfections.

9. Adar (Av. Atar) - Fire

9.  On the day of Adar (Fire) go for a walk and do not bake bread for it is a grievous sin.

9. Aathra : AADAR : Physical Energy, Intellectual Enlightenment and Spiritual Light. It is the Pillar of Life.

10. Aban (Av. Aban) - Waters

10.  On the day of Aban (the Waters) abstain from water and do not vex the waters.

10. Apaam : AABAAN : the Lustre of Life, resulting from Personal Purity. It is the River of Life's Purity.

11. Khwarshed (Av. Hvar Khshaeta) - The Shining Sun.

11.  On the day of Khwarshed (the Sun) take your children to the grammar-school so that they may become literate and wise. 

11. Hvarey-Kshaeta : KHORSHED : the Refulgent Sun, the Shining symbol of the Eternal Glory of God.

12. Mah (Av. Mah) - The Moon.

12.  On the day of Mah (the Moon) drink wine and hold converse with your friends and ask a boon of King Moon. 

12.Maaongha : MOHOR : the Moon, the Satellite of the Earth, (gao-chithra), lit. having its Origin in Earth.

13. Tishtar (Av. Tishtrya) - The Star Sirius, brightest star in the heavens.

13.  On the day of Tir (Sirius) send your children to learn archery and jousting and horsemanship.

13. Tishtrya : TIR : the Sirius or Dog star, "the brightest star in the heavens".

14. Gosh (Av. Geush) - Sentient Life or the Ox-Soul.

14.  On the day of Gosh (the Bull) see to the stables and train your oxen to the plough.

14. Geush : GOSH : the Creator of sentient Life (geush tashan).

15. Dae-pe-Mihr (Av. Dadvah) - The day of the Creator before Mithra

15. On the day of Dae-pa-Mihr wash your head and trim your hair and nails, and (pick) your grapes from the vine and throw them into the wine-press so that they may become good.

15. DAE-PA-MEHER : Daadaar's Day before Meher (this roj begins the third week of Moral Qualities).

16. Mihr (Av. Mithra) - Yazad of the Contract.

16.  On the day of Mihr, if you have been wronged by anyone, stand before Mihr (Mithra) and ask justice of him and cry out aloud (to him).

16. Mithra : MEHER : Law-Light-Love : The Universal Cementing Principle of the Universe. The Scales of Justice, fair-dealing, the Pledge.

17. Srosh (Av. Sraosha) - Yazad of 'Hearkening', i.e. paying attention.

17.  On the day of Srosh ask a boon of the blessed Srosh for the salvation of your soul.

17. Sraosha: SAROSH: the Moral vigilance, The 'Ear', always attentive to Ahoora's Whispers, in Life's clamour.

18. Rashnu (Av. Rashnu) - Yazad of Truth

18.  On the day of Rashnu life is gay: do, in holiness, anything you will.

18. Rashnu : RASHNEY : the Truth permeating the whole Nature, Justice, in my daily dealings of Life.

19. Farwardin (Av. Fravashis) - The Guardian Angels.

19.  On the day of Frawardin take no oath, and on that day sacrifice to the Farohars (departed spirits) of the blessed so that they may be the better pleased.

19. Fra-vakshi : FARAVASHI : Fravarteen : FARVARDIN : the Divinity in Humanity. The unfailing Guide of the erring Soul (urvaan). The Soul's Growth-lever, to Perfection.

20. Warharan (Av. Verethraghna) - Victory, Triumph over evil

20. On the day of Warharan lay the foundations of your house so that it may be speedily completed, and go out to battle and warfare so that you may return the victor.

20. Verethra-ghna : Varharaan : BEHRAM : the Triumph of Light over Darkness, of Right over Wrong, of Reality (Asha) over Unrealities (druj) of Life.

21. Ram (Av. Raman) - Peace, Joy.

21.  On the day of Ram summon your wife and do (with her) what is done and enjoy yourself take any suit (you may have) before the judges so that you may return victorious or acquitted.

21. Raaman : RAAM : the joy Divine of Altruism, i.e the Principle of living for others' ease and Comfort.

22.  Gowad (Av. Vata) - Wind, atmosphere

22.  On the day of Wad (the Wind) confine yourself to words(?) and do not undertake anything new.

22. Hu-Vaata : GOVAAD : Physically Healthy Atmosphere and Morally helpful Environment, conductive to Religious Life --- Healthy in Body, Mind and Soul.

23.  Dae-pe-Den (Av. Dadvah) - The day of the Creator before Den.

23.  On the day of Dae-pa-Den do anything you like, bring your wife into your quarters, trim your hair and nails and clothe yourself.

23.DAE-PA-DIN : Daadaar's Day before Din. (The fourth and the last week of Theological --- Religious Ideas).

24. Den (Av. Daena) - Religion, also Inner Self or Conscience

24.  On the day of Den (the Religion) kill noxious beasts and reptiles.

24. Daenaa : DIN : the Vision on the Path of Life, i.e. Religion. The sum total of Goodness earned by my Inner Being appearing as KERDAAR, the beautiful Form. appearing before the soul, at the Judgement Hour.

25. Ashi (Av. Ashi) - Blessings or Rewards

25.  On the day of Ard buy any new thing (you need) and bring it home.

25. Ashishvanguhi : ASHISH-VANGH : God's Blessing, attendant upon a good, moral Life, obedient to the Meaningful Injunctions of Sraosha, "The Pole-Star of Spiritual Life".

26. Ashtad (Av. Arshtat) - Rectitude, Justice

26.  On the day of Ashtad deliver over your mares, cows, and pack-animals to their males so that they may return in good health.

26. Arsh-taat : AASHTAAD : Truth, as realised by the soul's Consciousness (baodhangha), by virtue of a life dedicated to Asha and VOHU Mano.

27. Asman (Av. Asman) - Sky

27.  On the day of Asman (the Sky) set out on a long journey so that you may return safely.

27. Asman : AASMAAN : the Sublime and Shining Universe, that is ever expanding. "Nature, let me learn one lesson of Thee, Of Toil, unservered from Tranquillity".

28.  Zam (Av. Zam) - Earth

28.  On the day of Zam (the Earth) do not take medicine.

28. Zemo hu-daaongho : ZAMYAAD : the light that sustains Consciousness (ushi-darena) at the Height necessary for Higher Life --- Khvarena the Khureh.

29.  Mahraspand (Av. Mathra Spenta) - Holy Word (Manthra), also specific sections of scripture with certain poetic and spiritual properties

29.  On the day of Mahraspand mend your clothes, stitch them, and put them on, and take your wife to bed so that a keen-witted and goodly child may be born (to you).

29. Maanthra Spenta : MAARESPAND: the Holy Gospels, embodying the Master Mind of the Prophet, leading the soul to Perfection - Immortality (Yasna 31.6).

30. Anagran (Av. Anaghra Raocha) - Endless Light.

30.  On the day of Anagran (the Endless Light) trim your hair and nails and take your wife to bed so that an exceptional child may be born (to you).

30. Anagranaam : ANERAAN : the myriad of Lights in the heavens, and the Light in the Soul, paving the way to the soul's higher Realms of Light : Heaven is the soul's Enlightened Condition (Vahista ahu, Behesht). Hall is the Darkness, created by poor, miserable understanding.

Each month and day of the Zoroastrian calendar is dedicated to an Amesha Spenta (Bounteous Immortal) or a Yazata (Adorable Spiritual Being). The only exception in the calendar is Fravardin (the Guardian Spirit) who has the first month and 19th day of each month, dedicated to it.

Amesha Spentas:

The Amesha Spentas fulfil a dual role. They form the core of the ethical infrastructure of the religion, as well as they are the guardians and principal protectors of the seven good creations. Every person requires Wisdom (Hormazd) in order to be aware of the Good Mind (Bahman). The Good Mind is Hormazd's greatest gift to a person, for it is the mind which helps one to perceive and realise the Best Truth (Ardibehesht). The fusing of Wisdom with the Good Mind and Truth gives one the Power or the Sovereignty (Shehrevar) to implement the goodness and rule of Hormazd in the world. This goodness is reflected through Devotion (Aspandarmad) cultivated within a person in order to experience both Perfection (Khordad) and Immortality (Amardad) so that every thought, word and deed may be purposefully channelized into qualitatively improving our world through the rejection of all forms of evil around us. The duty of a person is to understand the inherent nature of these Bounteous Immortals, who are also seen as the guardians or protectors of the seven creations. By looking after and revering the seven creations, a person develops a link with nature, and learns to be responsible to preserve the balance between each of Hormazd's creations. This is what is commonly known as ecology, today. Striving towards harmony within the seven creations is a paramount religious duty for every Zoroastrian. Any form of pollution or defilement is seen to be the temporary triumph of evil, who is deemed to be fundamentally opposed and distinct from the intrinsic nature of Hormazd and His world.

The Yazatas:

The Yazatas/Yazads are spiritual beings who form the second tier of divinities in the Zoroastrian pantheon. They are the co-workers (hamkars) to the Bounteous Immortals, and they help in preserving the good creations. They also protect and give boons to whomsoever petitions them for their help; it is believed that when invoked, the yazata of the day, gives a special power or energy to a person who in turn becomes better equipped to combat the forces of darkness and evil. The greatest of the Yazatas is Hormazd, followed by His six other Bounteous Immortals.

Amesha Spenta/Yazata

  1. Hormazd is assisted by
    Dae-Pa-Adar, Dae-Pa-Meher, Dae-Pa-Din
  2. Bahman is assisted by
    Mohor, Gosh, Ram
  3. Ardibehesht is assisted by
    Adar, Srosh, Behram
  4. Shehrevar is assisted by
    Khorshed, Meher, Asman, Aneran
  5. Aspandarmad is assisted by
    Ava, Din, Ashishvangh, Marespand
  6. Khordad is assisted by
    Tir, Fravardin, Govad
  7. Amardad is assisted by
    Rashna, Ashtad, Zamyad

Zoroasterian Communions

Each divinity may be invoked and remembered on the appropriate day (roz) with a short dedication, which is taken from Yasna 16.

Day 1: Dathusho ahurahe mazdao raevato kharenanhato yazamaide,
(Hormazd)We worship the Creator Ahura Mazda/Hormazd (who is) radiant and glorious.

Day 2: Vohu mano yazamaide.
We revere the Good Mind (Bahman).

Day 3: Ashem vashishtem yazamaide.
We revere the Best Truth or Righteousness (Ardibehesht).

Day 4: Khshathrem vairim yazamaide,
We worship the Desirable Kingdom (Shehrevar).

Day 5: Spentam vanghuhim armaitim yazamaide.
We revere the good, Holy Devotion (Aspandarmad).

Day 6: Haurvatatem yazamaide.
We revere Perfection (Khordad).

Day 7: Ameretatem yazamaide.
We worship Immortality (Amardad).

Day 8: Dadhvaonghem ahurem mazdam yazamaide
(Dae-Pa-Adar) We worship the Creator, Ahura Mazda.

Day 9: Atarem ahurahe mazdao puthrem yazamaide.
We revere Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda (Adar).

Day 10: Apo vanghuhish mazdadhatao ashaonish yazamaide.
We revere the good, righteous Mazda created waters (Avan).

Day 11: Hvar- khshaetem aurvat- aspem yazamaide.
We revere the swift horsed radiant sun (Khorshed).

Day 12: Maonghem gaochithrem yazamaide.
We revere the cow-seeded moon (Mohor).

Day 13: Tishtrim starem raevantem kharenaghantem yazamaide.
We revere the glorious, radiant star Tishtrya (Tir).

Day 14: Geush hudhaongho urvanem yazamaide.
We revere the beneficent soul of the cow (Gosh).

Day 15: Dadhvaonghem ahurem mazdam yazamaide.
(Dae-Pa-Meher) We worship the Creator Ahura Mazda.

Day 16: Mithrem vouru gaoyaoitim yazamaide.
We revere Meher the possessor of wide pastures.

Day 17: Sraoshem ashim yazamaide.
We revere the righteous Srosh.

Day 18: Rashnum razishtem yazamaide.
We revere Rashna, the Just.

Day 19: Ashaonam vanghuhish surao spentao fravashayo yazamaide.
We revere the fravashis of the righteous, good, strong and holy ones.

Day 20: Verethraghnem Ahuradhatem yazamaide.
We revere the Ahura created Behram -the victorious one.

Day 21: Rama Khastrem yazamaide.
We revere Ram, the granter of the good.

Day 22: Vatem spentem hudhaonghem yazamaide.
We revere the beneficent wind (Govad).

Day 23: Dadhvaonghem ahurem mazdam yazamaide.
(Dae-Pa-Din) We worship the Creator Ahura Mazda.

Day 24: Daenam vanghuhim mazdayasnim yazamaide.
We revere the good, Mazda worshipping religion (Din).

Day 25: Ashim vanghuhim yazamaide.
We revere the good giver of wealth (Ashishvangh).

Day 26: Arshtatem yazamaid6.
We revere the Just One (Ashtad).

Day 27: Asmanom yazamaide.
We revere the sky (Asman).

Day 28: Zam hadhaonghem yazamaide.
We revere the beneficent Earth (Zamyad).

Day 29: Mathrem spentem yazamaide.
We revere the Holy words (Marespand).

Day 30: Anaghra raochao khadhatao yazamaide.
We revere the self created Endless Light (Aneran).

Related Interest

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