Flood Stories From Around The World

Copyright © 1996-1999 by Mark Isaak

Index By Region


Near East


Far East

Australasia and Pacific Islands

North and Central America

South America


Abrahams, Roger D. African Folktales, Random House, New York, 1983.

Apollodorus. The Library, Sir James G. Frazer (transl.), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1921, 1976.

Balikci, Asen. The Netsilik Eskimo, Natural History Press, New York, 1970.

Barnouw, Victor. Wisconsin Chippewa Myths & Tales, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1977.

Berndt, Ronald M. and Berndt, Catherine. The Speaking Land, Inner Traditions International, Rochester, Vermont, 1994.

Bierhorst, John. The Mythology of South America, William Morrow, New York, 1988.

Brinton, Daniel G. The Myths of the New World, Greenwood Press, New York, 1876, 1969.

Buchler, Ira R. & Kenneth Maddock (eds.). The Rainbow Serpent, A Chromatic Piece, Mouton Publishers, The Hague, 1978.

Budge, E. A. Wallis. The Book of the Dead, Arkana, London, 1923, 1989.

Capinera, J. L. (1993) "Insects in Art and Religion: The American Southwest", American Entomologist 39(4) (Winter 1993), 221-229.

Chagnon, Napoleon A. Yanomamo, The Fierce People, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1977.

Clark, Ella E. Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest, University of California Press, 1953.

Courlander, Harold. A Treasury of African Folklore, Marlowe and Company, New York, 1996.

Dalley, Stephanie. Myths From Mesopotamia, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989.

de Civrieux, Marc. Watunna, An Orinoco Creation Cycle, David M. Guss (transl.), North Point Press, 1980.

Demetrio, Francisco, 1968. "The Flood Motif and the Symbolism of Rebirth in Filipino Mythology", in Dundes.

Dresden, M. J., 1961. "Mythology of Ancient Iran", in Kramer.

Dundes, Alan (ed.) The Flood Myth, University of California Press, Berkeley and London, 1988.

Elder, John and Hertha D. Wong, 1994. Family of Earth and Sky: Indigenous Tales of Nature from around the World, Beacon Press, Boston. Reprinted in Parabola 22(1): 71-73 (Spring 1997).

Erdoes, Richard and Alfonso Ortiz. American Indian Myths and Legends, Pantheon Books, New York. 1984.

Fauconnet, Max, 1968. "Mythology of Black Africa". In Guirand, Felix (ed.), New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology, Hamlyn, London.

Faulkner, Raymond (transl.). The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Book of Going Forth by Day, Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1994.

Feldmann, Susan. African Myths and Tales, Dell Publishing, New York, 1963.

Flood, Josephine. Archaeology of the Dreamtime, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1983.

Gaster, Theodor H. Myth, Legend, and Custom in the Old Testament, Harper & Row, New York, 1969. (Most of the flood stories in this work are taken from Frazer, Sir James G. Folklore in the Old Testament, Macmillan & Co., London, 1918.)

Giddings, Ruth Warner. Yaqui Myths and Legends, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1959.

Grimm. The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales, Pantheon Books, New York, 1944.

Hammerly-Dupuy, Daniel, 1968. "Some Observations on the Assyro-Babylonian and Sumerian Flood Stories", in Dundes.

Horcasitas, Fernando, 1953. "An Analysis of the Deluge Myth in Mesoamerica", in Dundes.

Howey, M. Oldfield. The Encircled Serpent, Arthur Richmond Company, New York, 1955.

Judson, Katharine B. Myths and Legends of the Missippi Valley and the Great Lakes, A.C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 1914.

Kahler-Meyer, Emmi, 1971. "Myth Motifs in Flood Stories from the Grasslands of Cameroon", in Dundes.

Kelsen, Hans, 1943. "The Principle of Retribution in the Flood and Catastrophe Myths", in Dundes.

Kolig, Erich, 1980. "Noah's Ark Revisited: On the Myth-Land Connection in Traditional Australian Aboriginal Thought", in Dundes.

Kramer, Samuel Noah (ed.). Mythologies of the Ancient World, Anchor Books, Garden City, NY. 1961.

Leon-Portilla, Miguel, 1961. "Mythology of ancient Mexico", in Kramer.

Lindell, Kristina, Jan-Ojvind Swahn, & Damrong Tayanin, 1976. "The Flood: Three Northern Kammu Versions of the Story of Creation", in Dundes.

Markman, Roberta H. & Markman, Peter T. The Flayed God, HarperCollins, 1992.

Mountford, Charles P. "The Rainbow-Serpent Myths of Australia", in Buchler.

Norman, Howard. Northern Tales, Traditional Stories of Eskimo and Indian Peoples, Pantheon Books, New York, 1990.

Opler, Morris Edward. Myths and Tales of the Jicarilla Apache Indians, Dover, 1938, 1994.

Ovid. The Metamorphoses, Horace Gregory (transl.), Viking Press, New York, 1958.

Parrinder, Geoffrey. African Mythology, Peter Bedrick Books, New York, 1967, 1982.

Plato. The Dialogues of Plato, vol. 2, B. Jowett (transl.), Random House, New York, 1892, 1920.

Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerardo, 1971. Amazonian Cosmos, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Roheim, Geza, 1952. "The Flood Myth as Vesical Dream", in Dundes.

Salomon, Frank & Urioste, George. The Huarochiri Manuscript, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1991.

Sandars, N. K. (transl.). The Epic of Gilgamesh, Penguin Books, Ltd., Harmondsworth, England, 1972.

Smith, George, 1873. "The Chaldean Account of the Deluge", in Dundes.

Sproul, Barbara C. Primal Myths, HarperCollins Publishers, New York, 1979.

Sturluson, Snorri. The Prose Edda, Jean I. Young (transl.), University of California Press, Berkeley, 1954.

Tedlock, Dennis (transl.). Popol Vuh, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1985.

Vitaliano, Dorothy B. Legends of the Earth, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1973.

von Franz, Marie-Louise. Patterns of Creativity Mirrored in Creation Myths, Spring Publications, Inc., Dallas, Texas, 1986.

Walls, Jan & Walls, Yvonne. Classical Chinese Myths, Joint Publishing Co., Hongkong, 1984.

Waters, Frank. Book of the Hopi, Penguin Books, New York, 1963.

Wilbert, Johannes. Folk Literature of the Yamana Indians, University of California Press, Berkeley & Los Angeles, 1977.

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